The Photographic Art Salon of Bucharest 2024 welcomes both amateur and professional photographers from all over the world who are invited to participate with color or black and white digital photos. This competition is run under FIAP and AAFR rules.
The salon is awarded FIAP no 2024/308 and AAFR 009/2024 recognition.
The Photographic Art Salon of Bucharest is organized by the Art Photographers Association from Romania (AAFR).
a) – Open color
b) – Open monochrome
c) – World in focus (color or monochrome)
a) For Open color and Open monochrome section there are:
AAFR Gold, Silver and Bronze Medal + 12 AAFR Honorable Ribbons.
A total of 67 awards.
FIAP special Light blue badge is awarded to the best author. The one who has achieved the highest number of total acceptances of all the sections of the salon added together will be proclaimed “Best author” In the event of a tie, the Salon Chairman will decide irrevocably. The name of the best author will be mentioned in the catalogue.
We will post all awards by Regular Post. The organiser will not take any liabilities for stolen or missing awards during the transit.
Each participant is allowed with a maximum number of 4 photographs for each section. An image may be entered in only one section.
The entrant must be the owner of all rights of the submitted works. All parts of the picture must have been photographed by the author. Pictures created by artificial intelligence software (AI) are not allowed.
One and the same author has not the right to introduce identical or similar photos into different sections of the Salon;
An entry may be rejected when the members of the jury, in its reasonable discretion, believe the entry does not conform to exhibition rules and conditions;
No information about the entrant or country will be given to the selectors.
Through your participation to this Salon we assume that you totally accept all the stipulated requirements.
Authors must fill out the entry from and submit photos online.
The digital image must be a maximum of 1920 pixels on the horizontal size or 1080 pixels on the vertical size (including any borders) with a resolution of 300 dpi, maximum 2 MB, either color or monochrome. The files should be saved in JPEG format using sRGB color space. Portrait images must be no more than 1080 pixels vertically.
Permission is assumed to reproduce any image in an internet salon and in the salon catalogue.
By submitting an entry, the entrant certifies the work is original and his own and permits the organisers to reproduce all or part of the entered material free of charge for publication and/or display in media related to the exhibition. The exhibition assumes no liability for any misuse of copyright.
With the sole act of submitting his/her images or files to a salon under FIAP Patronage, the entrant accepts without exception and with no objection
that the submitted images can be investigated by FIAP to establish if these obey to FIAP regulations and definitions even if the entrant is not a member of FIAP;
that FIAP will use any means at its disposal for this undertaking;
that any refusal to cooperate with FIAP or any refusal to submit the original files as captured by the camera, or failure to provide sufficient evidence, will be sanctioned by FIAP and that in case of sanctions following the non compliance with FIAP regulations, the name of the entrant will be released in any form useful to inform the breaches of the rules.
it is recommended to leave the EXIF data in the submitted files intact in order to ease eventual investigations.
FIAP Notice
“I hereby expressly agree to FIAP document 018/2017 «Conditions and regulations for FIAP Patronage» and FIAP document 033/2021 «Sanctions for breaching FIAP regulations and the red list». I am particularly aware of chapter II «Regulations for International photographic events under FIAP patronage» of FIAP document 018/2017, dealing under Section II.2 and II.3 with the FIAP participation rules, the sanctions for breaching FIAP regulations and the red list.”
The file name will be of maximum 30 characters. Only figures and letters are authorized. The letters will be lowercase. Example: Sunset.
Titles may not include file extensions ( such as jpeg or IMG 123 ) or words such as „No title” or „Untitled”.
Color and monochrome images from the same capture that share substantial pictorial content, will be considered the same image and must be given the same title.
Participation fee is mandatory for all participants of the exhibition and is 12 € for all 3 sections. The works of authors who do not pay the participation fee will not be taken into consideration.
The fee can be sent using PayPal to:
Please ask the salon chairman for club discount. Club entries should be uploaded consecutively by one person.
The works will be evaluated by the qualified jury consisting of:
Mr. Virgilio Bardossi MFIAP, EFIAP/d3 (Italy)
Ms. Valentina Stan EFIAP/d1 ( Romania )
Mr. Zoran Toldi EFIAP (Slovakia)
Alternate: Mr. Eugen Negrea EFIAP/b (Romania
Closing date for application and fee
Announcement of the results
Send PDF Catalogue
Exhibition opening
The results of the exhibition will be published on the website Each participant will receive by email the result of his participation.
All the photographs that got awards and a great number of the accepted ones will be
included in the catalogue of the Salon which is available on the website.
For any information please contact Mr. Eugen Negrea EFIAP/b, Salon Chairman
The policy has a legal section which basically requires members to follow whatever laws exist in the country in which they are using a drone. There is also an ethical component to the policy and it states: One of the tenets of photography, is that the safety and well-being of the subject, photographer and surroundings is of paramount importance over the capturing of the photograph. The purpose of this section is to prevent any interference with other individuals or animals which will or may cause a disturbance in their normal activity or disrupt the way an individual or animal interacts with its environment.
May not fly a drone above people for the purpose of photographing their activity, unless permission is granted in writing
May not fly or photograph animals in their natural habitat, especially nesting areas and locations where the animal is already under stress (winter survival, migratory, feeding, protecting young). Photographing scenery/landscapes is permissible.
May not fly or photograph in any designated wilderness area
A black and white work fitting from the very dark grey (black) to the very clear grey (white) is a monochrome work with the various shades of grey. A black & white work toned entirely in a single color will remain a monochrome work able to stand in the black & white category; such a work may be reproduced in black & white in the catalogue. On the other hand a black and white work modified by partial toning or by the addition of one color becomes a color work (polychrome) to stand in the colour category.
This section encompasses the full range of photographic genres from architecture, culture, events, food, landscape, portraits, etc. A “World in Focus” image expresses the spirit of an era, the essence of a place or of a culture whether it is shown in an authentic scene or whether it is arranged. Digital manipulation to optimise an image in terms of finetuning of levels and colours is allowed as long as the image looks natural. The same applies for removal of dust or digital noise. Techniques that add, relocate, replace, or remove any element of the original image, except by cropping, are not permitted.
By entering this exhibition, you are explicitly consenting to the personal details you have supplied, including email addresses, being held, processed and used by the exhibition organizers for purposes associated with this exhibition. You also explicitly consent to such information being sent to organizations which have accorded official recognition, patronage or accreditation to this exhibition. You acknowledge and accept that entering this exhibition means that the status and results of your entry may be made public. Your email address and contact information will not be made public.